Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Evaluation 5

We attracted our audience by using colours and themes which appeal to teenage boys and young men as well as focusing our film on technology.

The main colours throughout our title sequence are blue and green, which are male orientated colours and the majority of the backgrounds are either black or dark blue. This use of colour attracts our target audience as they're male and so these colours would appeal to them more than girls. It also creates an enigma which is a major reason why people watch thriller films as they gain enjoyment or plaisiar from being able to guess the outcome or try to work out in advance what will happen within the film.

 As the camera tracks backwards, it reveals the whole screen and shows that the audience is looking at a moving map on a computer screen and later on, when the audience sees a tracking shot of the tabletop, we see all the technology the boy has in his room; an iPad, and iPad mini, two laptops (one old and one new) two large monitors, two small computer screens, radio technology and a small screen with green codes on it. This large range of technology is bound to interest our target audience because they're interested in the latest technology as well as the evolution of technology (and therefore older, pioneering technology too).
Again, the camera continues to track and reveal the whole shot- a boy sat under a table, surrounded by the technology, in the dark. The boy is of the same age as our target audience; we did this on purpose to try to make our target audience wonder what this character is doing as it would appear to be something which is accessable to them. Also, one of the main reason we chose our actor Nick, is because he would encourage our secondary audience (females ages 18-40) as he is an attractive young man.

The mise-en-scene, the darkness alongside the dim blue light, adds an eerie atmosphere, suggesting that whatever he is looking at is of great importance. We wanted to create this idea, not only to communicate the storyline, but also to generate curiosity amongst our target audience: what can a boy of their age be doing that is so important? Another reason people may be attracted to our film is because it involves something that could be real, the idea that someone could hack into the FBI manframe or something similiar is a very real fear. The fact that this deals with real life issues is another way we addressed our secondar audience of the over 25's who enjoy technologcal thrillers but want a sembleance of reality from them and not superficial in the way of a film like Die Hard 4.0

Then, the film cuts to the titles we created in after effects. These were inspired by images of the hacking game 'Uplink' which is a game enjoyed by people who're in our target audience. We tried to keep the style of these hacking images similar to that of games such as Uplink in order to appeal to our target audience. As you can see, the numbers and letters in behind a layer of the world map suggests hacking and intelligence. We also tried to keep the theme colour blue in order to stick to the boyish and cold themes which appeal to our target audience.

We chose posters with Boeing 767s and fighter jets on them to appeal to our target audience, because, from our research, we found that often people who're interested in computing technology are also interested in cars, planes and other technical modes of transport. This would further attract teenage boys who would hopefully come with their friends and girlfriends thus atracting our secondary audience as well.


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