Monday, 18 March 2013

Editing- Creating Perspective

We used a variety of camera angles to present our protagonist in a variety of ways, for example; we had an over shoulder shot of the boy on his computer, presenting him as inferior and young. Also, his body position and location denotes his character- he's sat cross legged, like a child, and is hunched under a table as if he's hiding. Children tend to hide because of their fear of being chastised by their parents and so this shows his childlike nature. Furthermore, the high angle suggests he's being watched by a greater power which is a theme in our thriller and so this relates to the idea that the character is kicking back against the higher powers.

There's a low angle shot of the boy which connotes his power- his superior intelligence. Even though the boy has Autism, he's more intelligent than most people and can hack into the FBI's database which obviously puts him of power and superiority.

Plus, because he's interested in political secrets, when he hacks into the database, I would imagine that 9/11 wouldn't be the only thing he would look in to. After reading some of the world's best kept secrets, about the world, the boy knows a lot about everyone and this knowledge puts him in another position of power. We used a shot of him looking directly into the camera as if it's the computer screen, although it gives the impression he is looking at the audience. This, therefore, insinuates that the audience, the public, are the numbers and secrets he sees on the computer screen and thus, creates the impression that he is watching us and by reading certain information, he now knows everything about us. The shot is low angle which creates the impression that the boy is omniscient and omnipotent.

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