Saturday 11 January 2014

Conventions on Our Website

On our website, we have both adhered to and subverted the common conventions of a band's website.
We stuck to the conventions which we thought were vital such as the home page, contact page and "gigs" page but chose the other pages ourselves.

With regard to the conventions of the home page itself, we adhered to most, including a large feature photo of the band, their name in large bold font, a promotional sticker of their work and clear links down the side to other pages of the site.

A feature which we chose to add was the music tab at the top right. We chose to do this to reinforce the style of the band- they're all about their music and so it made sense for the audience to hear their music as soon as they enter the site.
A convention we subverted was having the link to purchasing the music and merchandise on the home page. The reason behind this was because we felt that this may go against the ethos of the band; they claim it's all about the music and not the money so by putting a link urging the audience to buy their merchandise on the home page, we thought this might deter the audience and taint the success of the band.

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