Monday 18 March 2013

Editing- Sound

For the opening sequence of our thriller, we used a technological sounding, non-diegetic, up beat soundtrack, as well as some diegetic typing sounds. These were the only sounds we added into our thriller because there's no dialogue. We intended on having a non-diegetic dialogue but never got round to it due to lack of time because of other commitments. However, this didn't alter the storyline too drastically- it meant that the link to 9/11 isn't as clear as we'd have liked, however hopefully the use of images of aeroplanes, especially Boeing 767s, will communicate this idea. The beaty non-diegetic music demonstrates our film as a thriller as it creates a feeling of suspense and anticipation which is classic in thriller films. As well as this, the loud boom sounds in the music, which link will the stillness onscreen, communicate further the feeling of suspense.

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