We developed the concept for Mardy Bum into one that's less obvious and the ideas in the video have more clear connotations.
Our idea is that we see a family of four in a perfect house and throughout the video we see them becoming so fake that parts of the house begin to turn into cardboard cut outs of the objects they are. For example, they'll be eating dinner and suddenly the food on the fork turns to cardboard and as they stand up, the table turns into a cardboard cut out and falls over. This is meant to insinuate that trying to live in the perfect household will never work as everything becomes artificial and begins to fall apart, no matter how perfect it looks on the outside. Throughout this, we see the band in the house as well, perhaps in the attic and eventually they turn into cardboard as well and at the very end of the video, we reveal that the house is a dollhouse to further reinforce the idea that 'the perfect family' is a childish dream that is false and simply cannot be achieved.
Your treatment is good, but needs developing. I can see have you used a creative process to visualise your MV into concept to be used as a promotional tool. I feel that you treatment has clearly communicated your ideas and these could be translated into a video concept. You have provided some detail which will need to be modified and adjusted right up to the shoot day. The importance of the timeline (which you need to post) is how this helps organise and structure your storyboarding and subsequent animatic that you will cut for your music video. You do need to ensure that you have correctly and clearly labelled up your individual coursework to your group planning and research.