Sunday, 28 October 2012

Our Research

We have researched which type of films people aged 15-24, our target audience, prefer and if there is a difference between what girls like; and what boys like. 
From our investigation we have discovered the following facts.

1.The majority of boys want a film that's exciting.

2. Their favorite genre is Thriller.

3. They are influenced by what their friends say.

4. They like watching films that are realistic.

1. Most girls want a film that makes them think and has a lasting effect on them.

2. An attractive lead actor is preferred.

3. They are interested how the trailer represents the film before they watch it and said that the trailer determines whether or not they would watch a film.

We also interviewed people within the age range of 25-55 as we wanted to see whether age effects peoples' choice of film. These are the results we gleaned.

1. They like films that are believable and realistic.

2. The film's reviews by established critics effects whether they watch a film or not.

3. They want a film which makes them think about "life, love and the universe".

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